The distributed list abstraction is very useful for specifying operations that transform large data sets into another large data set. Because these data sets are so large they typically reside on systems such as HDFS. There are other operations, however, which involve transforming a large data set into a small data set that is able to fit within the memory of a single machine. Examples of such use case are:
Scoobi provides the distributed object abstraction as a solution for these cases. Like distributed lists, distributed objects are delayed computations. However, whereas a distributed list abstracts a very large data set in, say, HDFS, a distributed object simply abstract an in-memory value, which is typically the result of a distributed list (MapReduce) operation. Distributed objects are described by the DObject
After computing a DList
on Hadoop, it is often desirable to be able to work with its contents as an ordinary Scala collection on the client. For example, it can be common to perform some operations that results in a DList
with relatively few entires, relative meaning the entries could fit into the memory of a single machine.
To bring the contents of such a DList
on to the client, you can use the materialize
val xs: DList[Int] = ...
val ys: DObject[Iterable[Int]] = persist(xs.materialize)
// do something on the client
val zs: Iterable[Int] = ys map { .... }
The DList
method applied to a DList[A]
will return a DObject[Iterable[A]]
. Persisting the DObject
will force it, and its dependencies, to be computed, and returin an Iterable[A]
. The Iterable
can then be used as the basis for client-based computations.
In addition to materialize
, the DList
trait implements a series or reduction operators which all return DObjects
. For example, sum
can be applied to any DList
of Numeric
types and returns a DObject
- a delayed computation of the sum of all elements in the DList
val floats: DList[Float] = ...
val total = persist(floats.sum)
The complete list of reduction operators are:
So far we have only seen examples of how DObjects
are created and how we can get at their inner values by persisting them. Here, the DObject
type is a way of differentiating types of values: large-scale versus in-memory. However, this alone does not make DObjects
particularly useful - the same functionality could be implemented using DLists
The real advantage of DObjects
is they provide a bridge between Hadoop-side computations and client-side computations. Say, for example, we want to subtract the minimum value from every element of a DList[Int]
. We now know how we can compute the minimum:
val ints: DList[Int] = ...
val minimum: DObject[Int] = ints.min
But how can we use the minimum
value within a map
on ints
val normalised: DList[Int] = ints map { i => i - /* minimum */ }
We can't use minimum
directly inside the map
method because it's a DObject
. However, what we want to specify is that the computation represented by normalised
is dependent on the computation of both ints
and minimum
. We can specify this using the join
val normalised: DList[Int] = (minimum join ints) map { case (m, i) => i - m }
logically replicates a DObject
value to every entry of the DList
it is joined with.d Physically, Scoobi will push the contents of the DObject
from the client to Hadoop's mapper and reduer tasks.
What if we wanted to apply a function f
to the minimum value before subtracting it from every DList
element. We could apply f
within the map
val f: Int => Int = ...
val normalised: DList[Int] = (minimum join ints) map { case (m, i) => i - f(m) }
This will execute f
on Hadoop for every element of the DList
. This may not be a problem but what if f
is expensive or needs access, say, to the client's local file system. In that case, it would be useful to apply f
on the client. We can do that using the DObject
val f: Int => Int = ...
val minMod: DObject[Int] =
val normalised: DList[Int] = (minMod join ints) map { case (m, i) => i - f(m) }
This will now apply f
to the mimimum value as a client-side computation. Note that we can't apply f
to minimum
directly because it's of type DObject[Int]
, not Int
. The map
method, however, is able to apply functions to the values wrapped within.
Looking at this example in total, we can see how DObjects
are used to bridge between Hadoop and client-side computations in a way that allows Scoobi to be aware of all dependencies:
val f: Int => Int = ...
val ints: DList[Int] = ...
/* Hadoop-side computation */
val minimum: DObject[Int] = ints.min
/* Client-side computation */
val minMod: DObject[Int] =
/* Hadoop-side computations */
val normalised: DList[Int] = (minMod join ints) map { case (m, i) => i - f(m) }
Finally, multiple DObjects
can be combined together as a single DObject
by tupling:
val a: DObject[A] = ...
val b: DObject[B] = ...
val ab: DObject[(A, B)] = (a, b)
This makes it possible to make a DList
computation dependent on multiple DObjects
val ints: DList[Int] = ...
val lower: DObject[Int] = ...
val upper: DObject[Int] = ...
val bounded: DList[Int] = ((lower, upper) join ints) filter { case ((l, u), i) => i > l && i < u }
A good way of illustrating the use of distributed objects is to contrast it with what is difficult to do with distributed lists alone. For example, how might we implement the following with Scoobi's distributed list abstraction: from a large collection of integers, filter out those that are less than the average? Logically, the steps would look something like the following:
representing the collection of integers (e.g. maybe read in the integers from a series of text files);Int
value accross the entire DList[Int]
based on whether each integer value is less than the computed average.With the distributed list abstraction we have described thus far, it would not be possible to implement the above easily. You would need one Scoobi job that computed and persisted to file the sum of all the integers as well as the total number of integers. Then, the application would need to read those two files in order to extract the sum and the total, from which the average could be computed. Finally, another Scoobi job would be needed to filter the original DList with the computed average.
So, it's possible but not convenient. In order for it to be convenient, there are problems with both steps 2 and 3 above that need to be overcome:
? Using a DList[Int]
to represent the average is not the best solution as it will always be of length 1;DList[Int]
of legth 1, how do we inject the value into the body of the filter predicate that is applied to the original DList
?The distributed object abstraction allows us to more easily solve this problem:
val ints: DList[Int] = fromTextFile("hdfs://all/my/integers") collect { case AnInt(i) => i }
val total: DObject[Int] = ints.sum
val num: DObject[Int] = ints.size
val average: DObject[Float] = (total, num) map { case (t, s) => t / s }
val bigger: DList[Int] = (average join ints) filter { case (a, i) => i > a } .values
persist(toTextFile(bigger, "hdfs://all/my/big-integers"))
In this example, we first encounter the use of DObject
as the return value of the DList
method. Rather than returning a DList[Int]
with a single entry, sum
instead returns a DObject[Int]
. This DObject
represents a delayed computation that if executed would calculate the sum of the intergers in ints
. Similarly for num
which is the result of the DList
method size
The average interger value can be calculated using total
and num
, however, it too is a DObject
which means it's also a delayed computation. By pairing total
and size, we create a
DObject[(Int, Int)]object that can be mapped over to compute
average. Finally, in order to get access to
averagewhen we filter the orignal
DList, we *join*
DObject[Float]) with ints
) which results in a new DList
where every element is paired with the DObject
. In this case, filter
will operate on a DList[(Float, Int)]
We've seen previously that the way to "get inside" a DObject
is to persist - that is, compute it:
val x: DObject[A] = ...
val y: A = persist(x)
Like DLists
, it's also possible to persist multiple DObjects
at a time. This similarly has the advantage of jointly optimising the dependency graph formed by all DObjects
val a: DObject[A] = ...
val b: DObject[B] = ...
val c: DObject[C] = ...
val (aR: A, bR: B, cR: C) = persist(a, b, c)
Finally, it's also possible to persist both DLists
and DObjects
val a: DObject[A] = ...
val bs: DList[B] = ...
val c: DObject[C] = ...
val ds: DList[D] = ...
val (aR: A, _, cR: C, _) = persist(a, toTextFile(bs, "hdfs://..."), c, toTextFile(ds, "hfds://..."))
Note that persisting a DList
does not return a value, hence the underscore.